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Our Sponsors


Team Mackillop is supported by some very kind and generous sponsors that we are very grateful for. Our team's health, presentation, performance and happiness heavily relies on these amazing sponsors' products. We have found the following products to be exceptionly beneficial to both our horses and ourselves and would encourage you to try and support their products. 


Supporting Nature's Balance.

Tuffrock is the world's first energised ancient volcanic minerals bio-available for collagen, joint and stress support. Tuffrock is made in Australia and exported to 11 countries. 

Team Mackillop is a big fan of Tuffrock products and we use them every day on all our horses. Tuffrock was our first sponsor and without the support from Steve Hurley the Tuffrock team our horses would not be as healthy, happy, sound or jumping as amazingly! Tuffrock allows us to keep our horses on form and ready to compete. Tuffrock's Equine Joint Formula (EJF) is one of our favourite products along with their famous Poultice which keeps our team feeling good, flexible, sound, and helps to quickly and effectively heal superficial wounds, cuts etc.  The Gastro-Intestinal (GI) formula and Conditioner products also make our horses look amazing and stay healthy, as reflected in their performance. 


Check out their products further at these webpages:

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